Message from Kansai Brewers


「CRAFT BEER LIVE」は、オリジナリティあふれる関西のブルワリーが集結する、年に1度のビールのお祭り。2日間で約300種のビールが楽しめるだけでなく、造り手からお客様へ、熱いビール愛やこだわりを“ライブ”で伝えます。CRAFTBEER LIVEで、さぁ、乾杯!個性豊かなビールを知って、飲んで、感じてください!

CRAFT BEER LIVE is an annual beer festival bringing together breweries across the Kansai area (including Osaka, Kyoto, Wakayama, Hyogo, Shiga and Nara prefectures). Enjoy a selection of over 200 beers at the two-day event with a real ‘live’ feel as you receive them direct from the brewer’s hands. Come and meet the brewers, have a drink and enjoy yourself! Cheers!